Alte Oper, Frankfurt
April & May | 2022
"On the podium, Lorenzo Passerini conducted the Frankfurt Opera House Orchestra through moving string tremolos and intimate indulgences, creating a sensual realism, and confidently leading rhythmically the opera's many recitatives."
"These different acoustic colours are magnificently highlighted by the Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra under the conduction of Lorenzo Passerini, who makes his debut in Frankfurt with this production."
Thomas Molke, Online Musik Magazine
"Newcomer Lorenzo Passerini conducted the score as if by pouring it from a cast and in such an exciting way, that people forgot to look at their cellphones even in the very short break between the second and third act. Fedora sounds more elegant than you had remembered her - [...] - how skilful and fascinating are the reception in the second act with the waltz conversations, the canzonetta russa and the canzonetta francese, the interrogation Fedora subjects her new lover Loris to, while star pianist Lazinski plays a piano concerto etc. until the alpine and farewell mood of the third act. And all very briefly. [...] Great cinema in exhaustive 105 minutes."
Rolf Fath, OperaLounge
"The successful production is ensured above all by a magnificent ensemble of singers and the orchestra conducted by Lorenzo Passerini. Passerini, who is making his first guest appearance at Frankfurt Opera, led the orchestra through the sweet music of the Petersburg salon, the melancholy tones of the Paris ball scenes and the subtle drama of despair and death."
Letzte Änderung, Faust kultur
"Lorenzo Passerini's sensitive conducting with the Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra penetrates very deeply into the worlds of this exquisite Frankfurt 'Fedora'."
Barbara Röder, Feuilletonscout
"These changes of colour and atmosphere are perfectly recreated by the Frankfurt Opera House Orchestra conducted by Lorenzo Passerini and in a successful evening. The different pages of Fedora, from the most affected to the most unnerving moments, accompany the thrills onstage with precision and energy, worthy of a movie soundtrack."
Stefano L. Borgioli, Arte e Arti
"With 31-year-old Lorenzo Passerini, another conducting talent from Giordano's homeland was introduced - with a prompt temperament for the Russian dances and allusions, for the detail for the Parisian perfume in company and love affairs, and for the drama of failure and death - the Frankfurt Museum Orchestra skilfully joined in."
"The glow of the performance is reflected in the orchestra pit, where conductor Lorenzo Passerini, born in 1991, transmits a fine and incandescent melodiousness. If the old recording with Tebaldi and Di Stefano is rumbling in your head as far as the orchestra is concerned, you will hear all the more what a wonder you have before you here as well."
Judith von Sternburg, FRANKFURTER RUNDSHAU
"Nadja Stefanoff [Fedora] at the Frankfurt Opera approaches this role - her debut - very thoughtfully. Her slender voice, at the same time with a bright timbre, never relies solely on lush sensuality. Not only can she sing loudly, but also softly, without losing her assertiveness, which likewise must be credited to the sensitive conduction of the Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra by the attentive Lorenzo Passerini."
"The orchestra, led by the young Italian conductor Lorenzo Passerini, doesn't level the score's different elements, from the sumptuous, Puccinesque sound to ballroom dancing at the beginning of the second act, to lighter sounds in the final act set in Switzerland."
Michael Demel, Der Opern Freund
"The Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra, under the direction of the young Italian guest conductor Lorenzo Passerini, enchants the audience with its passionate playing and with this also provides numerous goosebump moments."
Markus Gründig, Kulturfreak
"Already in the overture, Italian conductor Lorenzo Passerini and the Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra announced with substance what this opera evening promises: great feelings, passion and an emotional drama. Passerini brings the long-forgotten and neglected opera to new life in a fresh, lively and extremely elegant and dramatic conducting, which is no easy undertaking, because the opera, in contrast to Giordano's best-known work Andrea Chénier, does without big arias and captivating melodies."
Alexandra Richter, Bachtrack
"However, above all, with the 30-year-old Lorenzo Passerini, a conductor was available, who audibly cared about the details of Giordano's score. The Opera and Museum Orchestra played with respective differentiation and the music of Passerini's compatriot developed a strong pull, which was intensified by the fact that the 105-minute work was performed without intermission. Thus, the evening proved to be a coherent appeal for >>Fedora<< to be included more regularly in the repertoire of German opera houses."
L.-E. Gerth, Das Opernglas – May 2022
"Music draws attention below the surface.
If you like, you can find such well calibrated effects constantly in the score, which the young Italian conductor Lorenzo Passerini fans out in rich contrasts, whereby the impulsive movement always remains enclosed by the musico-dramatic framework of the respective scene. Especially the darkly shaded moments succeed so convincingly to the splendidly disposed Frankfurt Orchestra that they draw the attention under the surface of this plot."
Johannes Breckner, Redaktionsleiter Bergsträßer Echo
This is ensured by the wonderfully differentiated Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra, which transmits the details of the score under the excellent conduction of Lorenzo Passerini, who carries the performers on stage on magnificent orchestral clouds.
Kaspar Sannemann, Der Opern Freund
"The young Italian conductor Lorenzo Passerini not only knows how to hold the reins of the multitude of people involved, but also manages to infuse the pathos and emphasis that Giordano's score requires, which finds its identity in the outbursts of passion and total abandonment to this " volupté de boudoir," very close to a French aesthetic, Massenet's in particular. At the end of the performance, it is impossible not to think that Giordano's opera certainly deserves a permanent place in the repertoire, in the same way as his famous Andrea Chénier!"
Emmanuel Andrieu, Opera Online
"Maestro Lorenzo Passerini opted for a reading with soft tones, in line with the production, which was very elegant and in which the moments of greatest emotion were dosed, so that Giordano's score did not fall into melodrama from the start and every nuance could be appreciated. Backed by an outstanding Frankfurt Opera House Orchestra, which showed impeccable ductility, it achieved moments of true beauty, such as the famous intermezzo in the second act."
Javier del Olivo, Platea Magazin